Whereas with boy, the satisfaction, the pleasure is evident. This is unnatural, uneasy sex that leaves a question mark after every coitus.
This is poure natural sex, with none of the awkwardness and nonsense that goes with females, with having to stick a cock into a slimey, 'foreign' vagina, of which we as males understand very oss vagina.with never the certainty of having satisfied that partner, always the fear of pregnancy. it is so natural for them to want to couple, to bond, and cement this through intercourse, beautiful boy intercourse, where their most intimate essence, their spermn, flows from one boy into another, the wish for one boy to breed another, to sdhow his love, show his desire by transferring his seed from his most private part deep into the other. How can it be otherwise? Two boys sharing the same desires, knowing each other's bodies, producing seed in the same way, with the same needs.